Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Run Thunderbird Portable (TBP) or use portable data for installed Thunderbird in SandboxIE

Note: Don't do this is you can't easily follow the steps. Ask your "computer tech". Be sure and backup everything in "C:\users\name\AppData\Local\Thunderbird" and your TBP directory before you do any of this (because many of you will mess this up).

I am not responsible for you doing or trying this. As usual, you found this as a blog and you use it at your own risk. Again, backup C:\users\name\AppData\Local\Thunderbird and TBP directory.

1) Run TBP in SandboxIE. It will create a profile at "C:\users\name\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles"
Close Thunderbird.

2) Run command prompt as Administrator
Go to: C:\users\name\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles
Your profile name will look something like this: f6b4ewhh.default
Don't delete it!
rename f6b4ewhh.default f6b4ewhh.default.bak1

3) Still at C:\users\name\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles ...
Find your TBP directory and subfolder data\profile.
Presuming mine is at m:\ThunderbirdPortable\Data\profile , you would do the following:
mklink /D f6b4ewhh.default m:\ThunderbirdPortable\Data\profile

4) Run TBP in SandBoxIE and it will correctly find your portable data profile.

You can also use portable data for installed Thunderbird. Just follow the same procedures.
Help? jason.sands@gmail   and you should know to put .com on the end of gmail.

Give me credit and a linkback if you use any part of this. Thanks!

Thunderbird Portable
Portable Thunderbird
Thunderbird portable data
Thunderbird install use portable data
Move Thunderbird portable data

Neatdesk Multiple Cabinets - Windows

How to get and use multiple cabinets for Neatdesk Windows version.

Note: Don't do this is you can't easily follow the steps. Ask your "computer tech". Be sure and backup everything Neatdesk and everything in "C:\Users\currentuser\AppData\Local\The Neat Company" before you do any of this (because many of you will mess this up).
I am not responsible for you doing or trying this. As usual, you found this on a blog and you use it at your own risk.
Download 7-Zip - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html  - 7-Zip is freeware and distributed under the GNU LGPL.
1) Go to:
C:\Users\currentuser\AppData\Local\The Neat Company\Neat\Config
copy config.nrcfg to your deskop
2) First company created
7zip config.nrcfg to create archive company001.7z (not zip, 7z)
copy config.nrcfg in folder and rename to config.nrcfg.company001
delete config.nrcfg
3) Create your second company.
Go back to C:\Users\currentuser\AppData\Local\The Neat Company\Neat\Config
Copy config.nrcfg in folder and rename to company002.nrcfg
7zip config.nrcfg to create archive company002.7z (not zip, 7z)
4) Third company, etc

5) Create batch file on your desktop for each company

cd /d "C:\Users\currentuser\AppData\Local\The Neat Company\Neat\Config"
del Config.nrcfg /y
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e -y "company001.7z"
Run Neatdesk for company001

cd /d "C:\Users\currentuser\AppData\Local\The Neat Company\Neat\Config"
del Config.nrcfg /y
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e -y "company002.7z"
Run Neatdesk for company002


E-mail me if you are a savvy computer tech and run into issues and I will reply a couple times before setting up a remote session and charging you. If you aren't savvy, just tell me and I'll set up a remote session and charge you. I'm just going to be straight forward about it.
and you should know to put .com on the end of gmail.

Give me credit and a linkback if you use any part of this. You definitely know you haven't seen anything else similar to this. Thanks!

Neatdesk Multiple Cabinets Windows
Windows Neatdesk Multiple Cabinets
Neatdesk Multiple Cabinets